Double breast milk benefits!

Superb breast milk This story believes that Mother Pure is known to some But more than that, do you know that by giving the baby to breast milk? The benefits for children are enormous, but also benefits to mothers. There is information to share. Mothers will get encouragement, huh, because many of you may encounter some obstacles but may wish…

How To Must Know To Suck Baby Snot

New mothers are often threatened with sucking their nasal mucus that is very difficult to lose by screaming. And the power of struggle But when it was necessary, the mother had to do it Because when your child has a cold Snot sucking is the only way to breathe open. And can really decrease the mucus Necessary equipment Red rubber…

Handling “baby fever” is not a big deal

Which is hotter than the child when having a fever. Understand mother’s breast very much when the child has a fever After seeing the doctor and receiving the medicine The fever fluctuates. Mother has to take care closely. Taking medication on time Take medication as recommended by the doctor. Usually antipyretic drugs must be taken every 4 hours, but…

What kind of snack is good for a baby?

Candy is not a terrible culprit until the mother must hide from the children to see it. Actually, picking up a candy to bring it into your mouth by yourself Helps stimulate the work of the finger muscles Only moms have to choose to be suitable for their children. Nowadays, there are many candy production companies especially for…

Finger Food helps with development

Finger Food is a food that can be picked into the mouth by itself. In which to pick things by yourself aside from the fun that is picked Having tried new flavors of food, finger food is still pretty good in many ways. Stimulates the development of small muscles. Handing and training hand muscles to work together.…

baby pacifier bd

Baby Pacifier BD – The Usage Trick !!

Advantages of Baby Pacifier BD Actually, this pseudo; yes! we are talking about the Baby Pacifier which is our quality product in Bangladesh has many advantages as well. Whether… Helping children to be happy. Because of their first year of adolescence which is one of the developmental stages of youth. Calmed down when crying, being…

Tricks to cure when the baby teeth up

Inviting Mother Pure to cope with tooth erosion, baby yell, or some people grow teeth whenever they have fever. This way, know to prepare a trigger to help reduce symptoms. Finger food can help. Do you love fruits that make finger food for baby to bite and eat? Refrigerate it a little, because it will help…