Mother, do you know that the ability to handle things Comes from my small muscles The small muscles in the first year are important. So what can I do?
- Let me help myself
Allowing me to handle according to my own development and age Will be a great stimulant, such as holding a water bottle, a bottle of milk and eating it yourself at the age of about 5 months and using a spoon to scoop the rice itself when 1 year old - Stimulating toys
Mothers choose to buy small toys. Which allows me to use tiny muscles in the body, such as cast and drop blocks Or molding the dough, it’s fun - Massage
Mothers can use baby oil to massage the hands and arms of their children. To stimulate the muscles and blood to flow better - Catching black crab,
classic music from a young grandmother The mother sang a song with a dumb gesture, imitating the age of imitation. Is a good muscle training as well Or you can use that spider song. This song is suitable for 2 years old and over because the spider pattern is a little difficult for kids in the first year.