Bottle Cleaning

Techniques for handling & using bottles

The bottle is like a baby’s body weapon. Important equipment that can not live without when we choose a good bottle. Proper care and use of the bottle is something that mothers Pure must know in order to use conveniently and extend life. Use baby bottles to Use correctlySeparate bottles and juice bottles Because the…

6 ways to keep the pacifier clean

Nipple is very important for the growth of the child that has it all. Is an important way for the baby to receive sufficient milk But at the same time, the teat can ramp up and cause the baby to diarrhea and indigestion. Let’s take care of the nipple. How to clean And change when  First clean when buying a…

Check for sure before buying a pacifier

To be honest, it’s like a close friend of children. And still be a mother’s assistant Both when crying and crying Reduce excessive milk intake These symptoms, pseudo-help. Good friends of children like this, there are things that need to be checked before buying? ✔️ Must be suitable for ages. There are both sizes for newborns and up to 6 months in…

teather in bd

Things to know before buying a teether

Choose a Baby Teether in BD carefully that will become a trusted friend of children and is a good helper for the mother when the baby ticks the gum well. Soft, flexible, soft but not sticky when bitten Safe raw materials Choose a PVC-free BPA-free design and made from raw materials that are not harmful to children. Choose…

8 invitations to choose your first glass (to drink)

Drinking cups can also affect your child’s development. Including being the first experience in helping your child Should be meticulous in choosing Choose to match the age of children Children in different ages have different swallowing development. Mothers should choose a suitable spout glass, such as choosing a spout cup with spouts similar to breast milk at first. By…

10 problems with breast pumping (breast milk)

Mothers who intend to breastfeed Many people need a helper, namely a breast pump. But having a breast pump alone can’t make the milk flow out as you think. What are some of the problems that Mother Pure often encountered when pumping Pure Milk (PUR) has gathered. Milk is low and will not be able to pump milk.…

Prepare the breast before birth

Prepare to overcome more than half Preparing for breast milk before birth will help mothers be ready and able to breastfeed after giving birth. Czech nipple pain, nipple of the mother can not breastfeed have a variety of forms, such as the short Nmbad tits tits dent If you have these symptoms, consult your doctor or clinic…

5 Equipment to prepare as a pump mom

Love will be Mae Sai pump. Need to prepare a bit These devices are “Its must have” for the pump line Good quality pumps Choose a breast pump designed similar to breastfeeding. So that mothers can breast-feed for as long as needed Currently, breast pumps are available in both dual and single motors. Mothers can choose according to their usage. In…